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All Bible studies can be purchased through Amazon. To preview and purchase a book, click the image titles below.

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Women of the Bible and God’s Redeeming Love is a scriptural journey that invites us deep into the lives of women of the Bible. We will step back in history to examine their successes and failures.  In the process, we will discover how God has revealed Himself in and through their lives. He has not changed, and He will deal with us similarly.  Albeit true, times have changed, but His primary focus has not, and it never will. Redeeming humanity is paramount in His mind.  Our having true and passionate worship of Him and experiencing intimate fellowship with Him is still His goal.  Revealing Jesus, God the Son, as Savior of the world who died so we might be forgiven and reconciled to God is always His plan.

We have much to learn through the women of the Bible’s victories and defeats.  Questions like these and many more will be answered in our course of study. We will examine the lives of Eve, Sarah, Hagar, Rebekah, Miriam, Rahab, Ruth, Esther, Gomer, and Mary, the Virgin Mother.  Our scriptural journey will reveal where these women are in God’s redemption story, what they got right, what they got wrong, and how God’s love redeemed it all.  Overall, we might inquire, “What made these ordinary women useful to our extraordinary God?”

Each lesson will highlight one woman and God’s detailed redemptive work in and through every facet of her life. Thanks to our merciful God, He won’t leave them as He finds them! How encouraging for us. You will be amazed as He takes their sin, their mistakes, and blunders and creates something beautiful and of lasting significance. Woman after woman, week after week, He will create something unique, worthwhile, and meaningful.  The Bible says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).

The study includes Eve, Sarah, Hagar, Rebekah, Miriam, Rahab, Ruth, Esther, Gomer, and Mary, the Virgin Mother.

To Rome With Love is a two-volume, verse by verse study through the book of Romans. Book One examines Romans 1 – 7, emphasizing what we believe, and Book Two explores chapters 8-16 governing our behavior. Together, the study unpacks 433 verses of the most significant love letter ever written. 


Consider this!  Since hieroglyphics, millions, possibly billions of love letters have been written, but this is it. Romans is #1, even today. Why? Because its timeless message is so powerful that it still eclipses the great works of literary giants like Shakespeare, Emerson, and Tolstoy. Although Paul penned Romans through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, its author is God. Scripture confirms that God is love, and that’s His overarching message in Romans.


Theologians agree if it were all you had of scripture, you would have enough. That’s enough to come to an understanding of who God is and, in light of that, who you are since you are created in His image. The in-depth study not only illuminates God’s love for us but His plan to save sinners. By examining its text, you will discover that God and His salvation plan are eternal. His purpose in love has existed from eternity past, and that will never change. At this very moment, God’s love for you is absolute and complete - it’s whole!  Moreover, it’s constant, steadfast, and irrevocable – His love is not performance-based, and it never fails!  


Consequently, you can’t do anything more, different, or better to cause God to love you more than He does and already has. His love for you eclipses all love – enough so to die on your behalf. Paul knew about God’s love, His mercy, and forgiveness too. These eternal benefits grace every verse. There’s no place in scripture that God’s divine love is more clearly defined. From start to finish, theologians agree, Romans is the doctrinal book of the Bible. For no other book in scripture highlights God’s profound theological works and their benefits like Romans. In His infinite wisdom, God has provided Romans for our benefit, clarity, and perfection. As Paul reminder Timothy. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,…” Why? And for what purpose? Paul continues.  17 “…[so] that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Romans not only provides the why and what’s been accomplished on our behalf, but it also gives us the reasons that it matters and, then, tenderizes our hearts so that we can live towards righteousness and impact others for His kingdom. 


Beyond that, Romans unites believers’ hearts. It unifies us like no other biblical text around the goodness of God and His perfect plan. Since Phoebe couriered it to Rome, it has been shaping and molding the hearts of ordinary sinners, like you and me. Its message has birthed every revival in Christ’s church. In addition to unity, it brings us liberty, and the needed boundaries, as it outlines God’s plan for Israel, the original recipients of divine grace. Lest we forget, “God so loved that He gave His son…” That’s the whole world, and I see no qualifiers in that verse – only hope – that all who believe In Him have eternal life. Consequently, Romans settles the ever-pressing question., “What will happen to the Jews?” 


Finally, Paul ends the letter by outlining godly Christian living. Paul is straightforward! He concludes the letter by imploring us to come into agreement with God and finish strong. That’s a finish that brings honor and glory to the name Jesus! Above all else - it benefits the gospel.

Stay tuned for the newest edition of Women of the Bible and God's Redeeming Love Part Two!

Much like the first edition, each lesson will highlight one woman and God’s detailed redemptive work in and through every facet of her life. Thanks to our merciful God, He won’t leave them as He finds them! How encouraging for us. You will be amazed as He takes their sin, their mistakes, and blunders and creates something beautiful and of lasting significance. Woman after woman, week after week, He will create something unique, worthwhile, and meaningful.  The Bible says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).

This study will include Elizabeth, Hannah, Mary Magdalene, Martha, Mary of Bethany, Abigail, Bathsheba, Leah, Rachel, and Deborah.

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Check back soon for more information on the second edition of  To Rome With Love Part Two!

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To Rome With Love is a two-volume, verse by verse study through the book of Romans. Book Two explores chapters 8-16 governing our behavior. Together, the study unpacks 433 verses of the most significant love letter ever written. 

Romans unites believers’ hearts. It unifies us like no other biblical text around the goodness of God and His perfect plan. Since Phoebe couriered it to Rome, it has been shaping and molding the hearts of ordinary sinners, like you and me. Its message has birthed every revival in Christ’s church. In addition to unity, it brings us liberty, and the needed boundaries, as it outlines God’s plan for Israel, the original recipients of divine grace. Lest we forget, “God so loved that He gave His son…” That’s the whole world, and I see no qualifiers in that verse – only hope – that all who believe In Him have eternal life. Consequently, Romans settles the ever-pressing question., “What will happen to the Jews?” 


Paul ends the letter by outlining godly Christian living. Paul is straightforward! He concludes the letter by imploring us to come into agreement with God and finish strong. That’s a finish that brings honor and glory to the name Jesus! Above all else - it benefits the gospel.

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